Trust Registry
To understand the fundamental role of the Trust Registry in the wallet ecosystem, you can refer to the "What is SSI?" section
Our Registry is stored in Archipels blockchain. Archipels operates its own blockchain alongside with french institutions EDF, ENGIE, IN Groupe, La Caisse des DΓ©pΓ΄ts, and La Poste.
Trust Registries are the cornerstone of trust for wallet users. It contains the list of authorized issuers of any VC type of schemes and the DID list.
The Trust Registry is typically implemented as a decentralized database or ledger, such as a blockchain or DLT. This allows for a secure and transparent way to store and retrieve data, without relying on a centralized authority. The data structures used in the Trust Registry may vary depending on the specific implementation, but typically include cryptographic hashes, digital signatures, and other security measures to ensure the integrity of the data.
There are 3 types of registries:
Issuer registry
Where the trusted issuers' list is stored. It indicates which issuer can issue which VC scheme
When a Verifiable Presentation is received by a verifier, the Trust Registry will be queried to verify if the credential has been issued by a trustworthy issuer that is allowed to issue this type of VC scheme.
Scheme registry
A scheme registry is the database or ledger that stores information about the identity schemes used in the SSI ecosystem. An identity scheme is a set of rules, formats, and protocols that define how identities are created, managed, and verified within a specific context. For example, there may be different identity schemes for verifying educational credentials, passports, or employment history.
The scheme registry serves as a reference point for all participants in the SSI ecosystem, including identity holders, issuers, and verifiers. It provides a standardized way of defining and recognizing identity schemes, which helps to ensure interoperability and consistency across the ecosystem.
Revocation registry
This is where a verifier will check the validity of a credential. If a credential is revoked by its issuer, its presentation will be refused by the verifier.
The interoperability with other Trust Registries is on our roadmap.
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