Create a second wallet and configure this new environment
For the next steps, you need to create a second wallet which will act as an issuer.
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For the next steps, you need to create a second wallet which will act as an issuer.
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Create a second wallet with the web interface (use a second email address)
Create an access token. You will use it later in this section
On add a second webhook URL:
Edit the unique link to personalize the Title. Here, type for example "Issuer"
Create a webhook in this Issuer wallet and copy the link generated in
For this second wallet (Issuer wallet), duplicate the collection you previously created during the setup stage (click on the three dots near the collection name)
Set the value of the Token with a variable (for example: {{AccessTokenIssuer}} ) at the Collection level, in the Authorization interface.
Go back to the environment you set in the section "Create your test environment", and create a new variable AccessTokenIssuer with the value of this accessToken you generated at the beginning of this section:
Rename this collection "collection Archipels Connect Issuer"