Electronic Attestations
All the explanation needed to understand Electronic Attestations and how they work is available in the "What is SSI?" section.
Verifiable Credentials share strong similarities with identity assertions such as ID Tokens in OpenID Connect. They enable a Credential Issuer to make assertions about End-User claims. A Verifiable Credential adheres to a predefined schema and may be associated with a specific holder, for instance, through Cryptographic Holder Binding. These credentials can be securely presented to the Verifier by the End-User without requiring the involvement of the Credential Issuer.
Verifiable Credentials issuing
The Wallet transmits a single Credential Request for each individual Credential to the Credential Endpoint.
For requesting issuance of multiple Credentials, whether of the same or different types/doctypes, and bound to similar or different proofs, the Wallet uses the same Access Token to dispatch multiple Credential Requests to the Credential Endpoint.
During the authorization process, the Credential Issuer may also seek Credential presentation as a means to authenticate or identify the End-User throughout the issuance process.
Fundamentally, this specification remains agnostic to Credential formats, enabling implementers to capitalize on the specific capabilities of their chosen Credential formats. Multiple Credential formats can be seamlessly incorporated within a single transaction.
Verifiable Presentations
Verifiable credential holders can create verifiable presentations, which they can then share with verifiers to prove ownership of specific attributes within their verifiable credentials.
Each verifiable credential is signed cryptographically by an issuer. This signature, along with the issuer's identifier, serves as a robust method for identifying the issuer, ensuring that the data source within the credential can be authenticated by anyone.
When a verifier receives a verifiable credential, they can use the issuer's public key to verify the signature, thus ensuring the credential's integrity and confirming that it hasn't been altered. This process enables secure and reliable information exchange between parties.
Verifications provide privacy-preserving proofs of the data contained within a verifiable credential.
Relying party should define precisely the requirements for verification of the VP validity
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