Create a connection: Create an invitation

Create a connection to allow communication between 2 wallets

From the Issuer

To create a connection between two wallets, you need to create an invitation

  • From the Issuer collection, create a new POST request. Enter the value {{base_URL}}/connections/create-invitation

  • In the Body tab, then in the raw tab copy this json:

  "multiUse": true,
  "label": "YourLabel"

When the "multiUse" variable is set to "true", this invitation can be reused multiple times. If you prefer this invitation to be used only once, replace "true" with "false"

  • Save your request and click on SEND

  • The response will be the invitation you can provide to anyone you want to connect to. You can provide it by any channel you prefer (WhatsApp, QRcode, email, SMS...)

    "invitation": "eyJAdHlwZSI6ICJodHRwczovL2RpZGNvbW0ub3JnL291dC1vZi1iYW5kLzEuMS9pbnZpdGF0aW9uIiwgIkBpZCI6ICIzN2U5ODJhYS05MTVjLTQzNTUtOGI4My0xYmVlYWRmNWJhMDYiLCAiaGFuZHNoYWtlX3Byb3RvY29scyI6IFsiaHR0cHM6Ly9kaWRjb21tLm9yZy9kaWRleGNoYW5nZS8xLjAiXSwgImxhYmVsIjogImlzc3VlciIsICJzZXJ2aWNlcyI6IFsiZGlkOnNvdjphdmQ5TjNrQWpaWnA1bjRQMW9qYmYiXX0="

If you want to know what this invitation means, copy and paste it on this site: The decoded version of the sample invitation is as follows:

  "@type": "",
  "@id": "37e982aa-915c-4355-8b83-1beeadf5ba06",
  "handshake_protocols": [
  "label": "issuer",
  "services": [

The contact DID of the issuer is: avd9N3kAjZZp5n4P1ojbf

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