Attestation send offer

From the Issuer wallet

  • For this example, reuse the schema you created previously in the section Create a schema attestation

  • Create a new request with the Method POST and the value {{base_URL}}/attestations/send-offer

  • Rename this request "Send attestation 2"

  • Select the tab Body, then select raw and copy/paste this json request:

   "attributes": {
            "__source": "YourName",
            "type": "Hat"
            "size": "XS"
            "price": "5€"
  "schemaId": "5gP2EpQA2dtHMRtAxvXRK7:2:Email attestation:1.0",
  "connectionId": "694b8024-e34c-4aaa-b3c4-dd114f3cba4c"
  • Replace the value of "schemaId" with the value you got during the creation of your schema

  • Replace the value of the connectionId with the value you got from the webhook

  • Save and click SEND

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