Archipels backstory
Originally a Proof of Concept presented at the Vivatech 2019's edition, the project's basis was built by a team composed of developers and IT architects from 4 big french entities : - La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations - EDF - Engie - La Poste
The aim was to build a trusted third party solution to certify (at least at first) KYC documents needed in many procedures as creating a bank account, subscribe to a internet access provider service, verify a cryptocurrency exchange account, among other things. In order to create this trust service, they had to choose a technology that suited certain requirements : - Security - Non-repudiation - Distributed governance
Therefore, choosing Blockchain to achieve this project was more than relevant.
The four entities created a consortium while founding the company Archipels, in order to build the solution.
For the moment, the consortium is composed of the 5 original entities. Each of these entities is hosting nodes to mine the blocks according to the consensus, and make the network as secure as possible. This is what is making the system safe, and why it can be trusted to anchor / verify the documents and their authenticity.
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